Wednesday 19 June 2013

Website Design Evaluation


What software have you used to create your website, web presence and to put your ideas on the web. Have you used specialist software or free online software or both?
For the final website outcome, I used Dreamweaver CS6, I used Blogger to present my work and my ideas to put them across the web. I used Dreamweaver for my actual website, however, before I used Dreamweaver I used a website called Wix to practise with which was free online software.

What issues did you have in designing your website?
I didn't come across any problems when designing my website. I used Photoshop and Wix to design it, and it all went the way I wanted it to.

What issues did you have in making your website?
I had a few complications with Dreamweaver as I got slightly confused to begin with. I followed a step-by-step guide on how to do the coding, the image re-sizing, the layout, the text and etc. I got confused with a few parts of making my website on Dreamweaver and I did a few steps wrong at first, but I fixed it and the process went fine after that.

Was it easy to get primary resources? What did you do?
I took pictures to put onto my website. The pictures I took were mostly landscape and scenic and I tried to make sure that the pictures I used all linked together so that it would make sense to anyone viewing my website.

Coding: Did you use it, understand it or does it not make any sense at all?
I used coding when making my website on Dreamweaver. I thought it was quite easy, I didn't have to use a lot of coding, just adding div tags to make my captions and my pictured editable and so that if you click a certain option the expected topic will appear.

Did you produce interactive web pages? Were they creative and functional?
I didn't get to this stage. I tried to do this, following the tutorial, but I simply didn't have enough time to complete it.

If you were to do it again, what would you do differently?
I don't think I'd do it much differently if I was to do this project again. I may have spent less time designing and more time actually making my website so I had more time to fix the errors that I made. However, I'm satisfied with the outcome.

Did you find it easy or hard to follow the tutorials?
I found the Dreamweaver tutorial quite difficult, because there were so many steps, it was hard to keep up and I ended up confusing myself with some of the steps but apart from that I haven't found any other complications.

If you had more time, would this be something you would like to do more of? Would you like to revisit web-design next year?
I don't think I'd do more website designs out of choice because I feel that it isn't a strength of mine, I didn't feel like I excelled in this project, Dreamweaver is a complicated software and I'd probably avoid using it unless necessary.

Tuesday 18 June 2013



So far, I have added the thumbnails at the bottom of the page and added div tags onto the template so that some parts on the sheet are editable. I found this complicated because the instructions are not easy to understand but I have tried to get to this stage. 

    I have added the full images onto the 'enter images here' div tag to the correct image so that when you click a thumbnail, the suitable image will appear.

I have tried to add  transitions to the page but I found this difficult to do because I have done something wrong in the process of creating the website on Dreamweaver. 

Sunday 16 June 2013


What is Copyright? Copyright is a legal concept, it gives the creator of the original piece of work exclusive rights to it, but usually, it's for a limited time. It means "the right to copy" in most cases, but it also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for this piece of work, they also choose who gets the financial benefits of the piece and other related rights. You have to pay for your rights because this piece of work is now yours under the law. Examples of artists who have already had copyright put onto their work are people such as Andy Warhol, he has his own museum for his work to be viewed. Another artist is Lichtenstein who is famous mainly for his pop art and has his work copyrighted.

Libel and Sensitivity to Society: All people are different, which means there's a lot of mixed opinions about different topics. If you want to show your work or you want to speak out about it, you should think about other opinions and views before you make these points heard. It may result in being offensive or in someone complaining if you don't do so. Many examples are websites such as YouTube where people have uploaded offensive videos and people have replied their opinions, Tumblr is also another site where people may upload an offensive picture, GIF or video and it causes arguments globally.

Decency: Decency often means rude, inappropriate and or explicit work which has been uploaded for the public. People can control this by reporting said work or sending a complaint. People can also warn the viewer by reminding them that they are entering a explicit website etc.

Safeguarding: Safeguarding can be related to 'decency' but this mostly involves children and what they can view when they're surfing the internet. This is mainly installed in school computers so that children cannot see anything inappropriate or links which could cause damage to the computer like viruses.